The Humanity of Jesus Christ

| by | Scripture: Hebrews 2:10-13 | Series:

Was Jesus truly a man? If so, what would implications does that have?

Teaching Notes:

The Humanity Of Jesus Christ

Hebrews 2:10-13

Review: God’s plan is to subject world to come to man, not angels. In this present evil age, all things not subjected to him, because of sin. God brought curse upon creation. But 1 day, curse will be lifted, and redeemed men will rule over all God’s universe! How do we know? Because Jesus has been crowned with glory and honor. He is our forerunner. We are united to Him. What did Christ have to do to purchase this glory and honor for us? Taste death for everyone.

1. For Whom Are all things and through whom are all things: what does this tell us about God? How are all things brought into existence? Why are all things brought into existence? Col.1:16; 1Cor.8:6; Rom.11:36. If we really believe that all things are for Him we will be content. I will receive submissively, yes, thankfully, whatever He ordains and sends me. Also we will have confidence cuz we are assured that He always has a wise and holy reason for what He does.

2. In Bringing Many Sons to Glory: this is the goal of God in His redeemed. 2:7,9. This is the glory we have fallen from in our sin and rebellion. God But is undertaking a “great salvation.” Sent Son to taste death for us, to deliver us from futility, defeat, misery and condemnation of sin & death, and lead us to glory. He is Forerunner, going on ahead of us; we follow Him to glory!

3. To Perfect: how was Christ perfected? Not in His person, but in His work. Always had perfect, holy character. 7:26. Hebrews 5:8-9. This perfection arose through sufferings. Must become perfect Savior. Only way to be perfect Savior, was through sufferings. Must suffer all punishment we deserve. We could not be saved by His spotless life; only by His substitutionary death.

4. Author of their Salvation: word means “Captain, Leader, or Prince.” Captain in NT days did not remain in rear issuing orders, but took lead in battle, inspiring courage among soldiers. Like Israel in Wilderness, we are in world full of dangers and oppositions. Need Captain to lead us to Glory. 5:9 – he is the Source of salvation. None apart from Him. No other religious leader or religion can grant salvation. Only Christ!

5. He Who Sanctifies and those who are sanctified: Christ sanctifies us. He sets us apart from sin to holiness, from Satan to God. He purifies us, makes us holy. How do you know if you are one of the “sons” being brought to glory? He will be sanctifying you!

6. All From One Father: notice that “father” not in the original. One what? Translations: family, origin, father. “Origin” probably best. We are all possessors of humanity. Idea, not that we have been brought up to Christ’s level, but that He has come down to ours. 2:14,17.

7. He’s not ashamed to call us “brethren”:
because He has become one of us. He is our brother! He has every right to be ashamed to call us His brothers! Like calling worms my brothers. People in world very fond of titles: CEO, President, King, Queen, Diplomat. All pale into insignificance compared to “brother of Jesus Christ”! Rom.8:29. Thus, we ought not be ashamed to confess Him before men!

8. Psalm 22:22: this is Messianic Psalm. 2 activities ascribed to Christ: proclaiming God’s name, singing God’s praise. Does both to brethren. Describing Christ’s ministry on earth.

9. Isaiah 8:17: considered only as Deity, unthinkable for Jesus to trust. That is what man must do. What a low place Creator of universe had taken! Lived here a life of faith and dependence. Did all works in power of H.S. through faith, not cuz was God.

10. Isaiah 8:18: this is what Jesus will say 1 day to His Father! Behold – Look! Wonder of wonders! You gave me children whom no man can number. They were Your gift to Me. I came on their behalf, as their representative, to seek them and save them. Look – they are all here. None is missing. Jn.18:8-9. Who are these children? They are the sons He is bringing to glory, the ones He is sanctifying, His brethren, the descendant of Abraham. Us – His elect!

Conclusion: Flow of thought: God’s goal: bring many sons to glory. In order to do that, made Jesus perfect Savior through Sufferings. But had to be made one of us to suffer & die. So became human – we become His brothers. One day, “Behold, I & the children…” Lowered Himself to our position so we raised to His position! Worship Him! Obey Him! Preach Him! Be like Him: condescend to minister to low lifes, to raise them!

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