The Glory Of The Messiah

| by | Scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7 | Series:

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Teaching Notes:

The Glory Of The Messiah

Isaiah 9:6-7

As Christmas approaches, I thought it would be good for us as a church to take some time to meditate on an old and favorite prophecy of the coming of the Messiah. This week we will examine an OT text, and next week a NT text in order to prepare our hearts to worship Jesus Christ, the One who has come into the world to save sinners. 
This ancient prophecy, written 700 years before Jesus was born into the world, highlights the glory of the coming of the Messiah.
The first two lines of the prophecy reveal the Nature Of The Messiah: 
    “to us a child is born.”  His Humanity:  The birth of Jesus Christ proves that He is one of us. He came into the world in exactly the say way that all of us did. Jesus was truly human. Of course, He had to be human in order to save other humans. The 1st man sinned. Therefore another Man must restore what the 1st man lost. In order for Jesus Christ to truly represent humans, He had to BE a human. Heb.2:14-15. Charles Wesley put it like this: “Pleased as man with men to dwell.” “Though Jesus existed in the form of God, He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, being born in the likeness of men” (Phil.2:6-7). 
“to us a son is given.” His Deity:  We know who bore the child (Mary), but who gave the son? The Bible tells us that God did! Jn.3:16. What child, what son is being described? Isaiah has already told us of Him in Is.7:14. “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Notice that this One would be conceived and born by a woman. This tells us he was truly human. Yet, He was born by a virgin and His name would be “God is with us.” This tells us He was truly divine. Another line from Charles Wesley’s hymn reads, “Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail the Incarnate Deity.” The word “incarnate” literally means “in flesh.” It comes from 2 words compounded together – “in” and “carne”. We know what carne refers to – we read it on our chili labels all the time. Chili con carne. It means “chili with meat.” We know what a carnivore is – a flesh eater. So incarnation means “in the flesh.” The truth of Christmas is that God Himself has come into the world in the flesh, as true Man and true God. When Jesus came into the world, He didn’t set aside His divine nature; He just added a human nature.
We make a deadly mistake if we deny either His humanity or His deity. In 1Jn.4:3, John says that the spirit of the antichrist is to refuse to confess that Jesus has come in the flesh. On the other hand, to refuse to confess that Jesus is God is another grave error that people like the Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, and Jews make. We must make sure we don’t fall off the ravine into the abyss on the one side or the other!
When we talk of the “glory” of God, we are really talking about the beauty and splendor of His attributes. In this passage, Isaiah reveals 4 of the Messiah’s attributes:  Wisdom, Power, Love, and Sovereignty.

1.  Wonderful Counselor:
  The glory of the Messiah is seen in His Wisdom.  This could be better rendered “a Wonder of a Counselor.”  But how are we to understand the term “Counselor”? It can be understood in 2 different senses: either one who is able to give good advice to others, or one who is able to make wise plans. In Ps.33:10-11 it is used in this latter sense. No doubt, Jesus counsels in both senses, but I want you to consider Him this morning as a Wonder of a Planner!  Jesus, before the foundation of the world, took counsel with the Father and the Spirit to devise the Plan of Salvation. Older theologians refer to this as the Covenant of Redemption. Each member of the Trinity covenanted as to what they would do to bring this plan to fruition. 
    Charles Spurgeon, in His inimitable style, imagines what that dialogue might have been like when the 3 Persons took counsel and covenanted together:
    The Father – “I, the Most High Jehovah, do hereby give unto my Only Begotten & well-beloved Son, a people, countless beyond the number of the stars, who shall be by Him washed from sin, by Him preserved, and kept, and led, and by Him, at last, presented before My throne, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. I covenant by oath, and swear by Myself, because I can swear by no greater, that these whom I now give to Christ shall be forever the objects of My eternal love. Them will I forgive through the merit of the blood. To these will I give a perfect righteousness; these will I adopt and make my sons and daughters, and these shall reign with me through Christ eternally.” 
    The Son – “My Father, on my part I covenant that in the fullness of time I will become man. I will take upon Myself the form and nature of the fallen race. I will live in their wretched world, and for My people will I keep the law perfectly. I will work out a spotless righteousness, which shall be acceptable to the demands of Thy just and holy law. In due time I will bear the sins of all My people. Thou shalt exact their debts on Me; the chastisement of their peace I will endure, and by My stripes they shall be healed. My Father, I covenant and promise that I will be obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. I will magnify Thy law, and make it honorable. I will suffer all they ought to have suffered. I will endure the curse of Thy law, and all the vialsof Thy wrath shall be emptied and spent upon My head. I will then rise again. I will ascend into heaven; I will intercede for them at Thy right hand, and I will make Myself responsible for every one of them, that not one of those whom Thou hast given Me shall ever be lost, but I will bring all My sheep of whom by Thy blood Thou hast constituted Me the Shepherd – I will bring every one safe to Thee at last.”
    The Spirit – “I hereby covenant that all whom the Father gives to the Son, I will in due time quicken. I will show them their need of redemption. I will cut off from them all groundless hope, and destroy their refuges of lies. I will bring them to the blood fo sprinkling; I will give them faith whereby this blood shall be applied to them. I will work in them every grace. I will keep their faith alive; I will cleanse them and drive out all depravity from them, and they shall be presented at last spotless and faultless.” 
    What a Wonderful plan! Let it fill you with wonder that He would devise such an infinitely wise and gracious plan! That He would choose to save such rebels as us! That the infinite God should become a helpless babe to accomplish this plan! That He would then suffer and die to secure that plan!

2.  Mighty God:
  The glory of the Messiah is seen in His Power.  He not only possesses the wisdom to devise this plan; He has the power to execute it!  “He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” (Heb.7:25). Why? Because this Messiah is God! This is one of the clearest passages in the Bible on the Deity of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Mighty God! Now Jehovah Witnesses say, “Yes, Jesus is the Mighty God, but not the Almighty God.” The problem with that is Is.10:20-21. Here the LORD Jehovah is identified as the Mighty God. There can be no doubt about what Isaiah is prophesying. The child that would be born would be God! That’s why we worship Jesus. It would be idolatry and blasphemy to worship Him if He were not God.
  • The OT prophets said He was God – Is.9:6
  • The NT apostles said He was God – Col.2:9; Phil.2:6; Rom.9:5; Jn.20:28
  • God the Father said He was God – Heb.1:8
  • Jesus said He was God – Jn.8:58; 10:30,33.
  • Jesus received worship as God – Mt.14:33; 28:9; Jn.9:35-38; Mt.2:2
    Who is Jesus? He is the One who created the universe, who spoke all things into existence, who upholds all things by the word of His power.     Never doubt Jesus’ ability to save! Is there a loved one you have despaired of every being saved? Jesus can save that one. He proved it by saving Saul of Tarsus. Is there an addiction you feel you will never be free from? A sin you feel you will never overcome? Don’t look to religion, or to yourself, or your ability, or power – look to Jesus! He can deliver you. He is mighty to save! (Is.63:1). 

3.  Everlasting Father:
The glory of the Messiah is seen in His Love. Isaiah is not speaking here of Jesus being God the Father. He is not God the Father. He is God the Son. The Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Spirit. They are separate and distinct persons, each sharing the 1 divine nature. That’s why we are not Modalists, as the United Pentecostal Church is. They believe Jesus was the Father, He became the Son, and then He became the Holy Spirit. In other words, they believe in 1 God and 1 Person. No, we believe in 1 God and 3 Persons.
    Well, if this title is not describing Jesus’ relationship within the Trinity, what is it talking about? It is describing His role, not His relationship. Jesus’ role is that of an Everlasting Father. A Father’s role is that of loving, caring, and protecting his children. That is Jesus’ role. And He will have this role for all time! Everlasting. Once in a while Israel would be blessed with a really good King – a benevolent, loving, just ruler. But sooner or later he would pass from the scene. This loving benevolent fatherly ruler will care for us and watch over us forever!
    With a heart bursting for love, Jesus came down from heaven to win His bride and gather His children. He will lose nothing of all God has given Him. He will watch over them, care for them, love them, and protect them forever. That’s why we know that God causes all things to work together for our good. That’s why we are confident that He who began a good work will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. That’s we believe that He will raise us up on the last day. 
    Isn’t it great to have Someone who loves you perfectly, and will love you forever? His love is not a response to our goodness or obedience or performance or works or efforts. It is based on His own sovereign good pleasure. He loves us because He loves us. Deut.7:6-8. 

4.  Prince of Peace:
  The glory of the Messiah is seen in His Sovereignty.  Jesus is a Prince. He is the Son of the King of the Universe. He is the Sovereign One. What is a Sovereign? One who possesses supreme rank, power and authority. That sure describes Jesus. He is the King of kings, and Lord of lords. He has all authority in heaven and earth. Because He is a great King, he possesses a great kingdom.  “The government shall rest on His shoulder.”
    It is an Increasing Kingdom:  “of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end.” It began with 1 person, then 12 more, then 70 more, then 500, then 3,120. Every year it increases! Jesus’ kingdom is the Stone cut without hands that smites the image, and becomes a great mountain that fills the earth (Dan.2:34-35). His kingdom is the mustard seed that is the smallest of all seeds, but becomes a tree that birds nest in. His kingdom is the leaven that is hid in 3 measures of flour, until the whole lump is leavened. We get to be part of His ever-increasing Kingdom. In fact, we get to partner with Him in growing the kingdom! That’s what making disciples is all about. It is the great commission of Jesus to His church, and it is the vision of this church. We need to pray and work until the kingdom of Jesus fills the earth! 
    It is A Peaceful Kingdom:  earthly kingdoms grow by violence and war. His kingdom grows as the Prince of Peace makes peace between sinners and God. Jesus made peace through the blood of His cross. All men are naturally enemies of God, alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds. Through the blood of His cross, our sins have been canceled and forgiven. That which alienated us has been taken out of the way and destroyed. All who unconditionally surrender to His Lordship, are reconciled to God and made members of His kingdom. And not only is there peace between the King and His subjects, there is peace between all of the citizens of the kingdom. Christ has broken down the dividing wall of hostility between Jew & Gentile. As the angles cried, “On earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!”  Whenever strife and dissension come into the church, we know at once that we are out of God’s will! 
    It is a Righteous Kingdom:  “on the throne of David and over His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness.” The kingdoms of this world are ruled by sinful men. That’s why there is so much injustice and heartache in this world. Politicians and presidents, kings and parliaments are all sinners. That’s where all our problems come from: greedy rulers taking advantage of their subjects. But in Jesus’ kingdom He is not greedy, and He does not take advantage of us. Rather, He does all for us in our best interests. He rules righteously. One day, on Judgment Day, Jesus will sit as judge, and all wrongs of this world will be righted. The wicked will receive God’s vengeance, and the righteous will receive His blessing.
    It is an Everlasting Kingdom:  “from this time forth and forevermore.”  This is our hope! This is what we look forward to! This is w hat we live for! I can’t wait to experience the glory of Christ in His everlasting kingdom. All the kingdoms of this world are temporary – the Medo-Persians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans all held sway for a time and then fell. But this one will never come to an end!

How can we know that all this will come to pass?  “The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.”  These things are not up to chance. The fact that Jesus will reign as King over a kingdom that is ever-increasing, peaceful, righteous and everlasting will infallibly come to pass. Why? Because it is based on the zeal of God. It is not based on you or me, or someone’s free will, or whether the events of world history line up just right. God Himself is bringing His plans and purposes to pass. You can take it to the bank. We may not know all the details of what the future holds, but we know who holds the future.
    I urge you at this Christmas season, to behold His glory: His wisdom, power, love, and sovereignty. And bow before Him in humble adoring worship.

© The Bridge

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