Chosen by God

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1-2 | Series:

1 Peter is a wonderful and glorious letter. In this first study of 1 Peter we examine Peter’s statement that believers were “chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father, sanctified by the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood.” Revel in the sovereign grace of God with us!

Teaching Notes:

Chosen By God

1 Peter 1:1-2

General Overview:

1. General Epistles: 1 Peter belongs to General Epistles (non-Pauline) which are James, Peter, John, Jude. Called General cuz not written to 1 individual or specific church, but to many churches. Of General epistles, 1 Peter probably best known, best loved, and most read.

2. Historical Background: On July 19, 64 A.D. great fire of Rome broke out. Burned for 3 days & 3 nights. Was checked and then broke out again w/ redoubled violence. Though can’t prove it, Emperor Nero probably responsible. He had passion for building. Wanted to destroy Rome so could build it again. It is said he was charmed with the flower and loveliness of the flames as watched raging inferno from high tower. Those who tried to extinguish fire were deliberately hindered & men seen to rekindle it again when was subsiding. 2/3 of buildings & homes destroyed. People overwhelmed. Ancient temples and landmarks vanished. People homeless. Resentment & anger of people was great. Nero had to divert suspicion & find scapegoat. Picked Christians.
Persecution: rolled Christians in pitch & lit on fire. Used as living torches to light his gardens. Sewed up in skins of wild animals & set hunting dogs on them to tear limb from limb while alive. Used them as entertainment in Games. Huge amphitheaters. Masses would come to watch gladiators fight each other to death. Christians brought out to face hungry lions. Persecution began in Rome but soon spread throughout kingdom. Previously authorities viewed Christians as Jewish sect. Jews were legal religion. But now, Christians distinguished from Jews and persecuted.

3. Date: Probably written just after fire in 64 A.D. Tradition: Peter crucified outside Rome in last few years of Nero’s rule. Nero committed suicide in 68 A.D. Somewhere between 64 and 68 A.D.

4. Location Written From: 5:13. Babylon to be taken literally? Probably not. No historical knowledge of Peter ever visiting Babylon. Also, context = figurative. My son, Mark = son in faith. She, chosen together with you = Church. Babylon is figurative expression for Rome. In OT, Babylon was representative of world’s power in opposition to God & in NT Rome was same. Rome known for its arrogant idolatry and raw power. Center of power and vice.

5. Major Themes:

1) Suffering: key word – 16x. 1:6; 2:12; 2:19-21; 3:13-17; 4:1; 4:12-16; 4:19; 5:7; 5:8-10.

2) Grace: found in every chapter. 1:2,10,13; 2:19-20; 3:7; 4:10; 5:5; 5:10; 5:12.

3) Glory: 1:7-8; 1:11; 1:21; 2:12; 4:11-16; 5:1,4; 5:10-11. Hope: 1:3,13,21; 3:5,15

To meet suffering we need grace! 2Cor.12:9-10. Also need hope of glory! This suffering is only temporary. Christ is coming. All be over. Fix minds on His glorious return. This why American slaves so often sang of heaven. Helped them endure sufferings.

6. Key Verse:
5:10. Combines all 3 concepts – suffering, grace, and glory.

7. Purpose: not written to attack theological heresy like some of Paul’s writings. Written to encourage and strengthen church in midst of suffering. Way does it is by pointing them away from sufferings to grace and glory of God. 5:12.

Author of this Epistle: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ
Spokesman: leader of 12. In every list placed first. Called Simon – “to waver.” Jesus gave him name “Peter” – Rock. Jesus has been making him just that. Jesus found him as a wavering person.
None so Impetuous: Mt.16:21-23 Rebuked Christ “God forbid it Lord. This shall never happen to You.” Jn.13:8 “Never shall you wash my feet!” Mt.26:33 “Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away.” Drew sword and cut off ear of High Priest’s slave. Rashly denied Chris 3x.
None so Loyal and Zealous: Jn.6:68 “Lord to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” Mt.16:16 “Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Ran to tomb w/ John. Threw himself into sea to swim to Jesus. Preached 1st sermon on Penetecost; preached to Gentiles at Cornelius’ home.

Obeying 2 Commands of Jesus:

1) Strengthen your brothers: Lu.22:32

2) Feed My Sheep – Jn.21:15-17

Probably Didn’t Plant These Churches: 1:12. Paul didn’t. Forbidden to preach in Bythinia (Acts 16:7). Don’t know who did. Possibly converts from Pentecost (Acts 2:9).

The Recipients of the Epistle:

Their Physical Status:“reside as aliens scattered…” 1Pet.2:11. This world not their home. Their citizenship in heaven. Strangers in strange land. On foreign soil. Like ambassador of foreign country. Scattered: Gr. = diaspora. Refers to Jews dispersed all over world when Babylonians invaded Palestine. Christians like Jews living among strangers & enemies. We are scattered among non-Christians. We are aliens; from another planet. Geographical Locations: upper Asia Minor. The region Paul had not evangelized. Probably listed in order of anticipated route of travel by bearer of letter.

Their Spiritual Status: Chosen – doctrine of election.

1) What Were They Chosen To? Is this being chosen to be part of a particular nation like Israel? Is this chosen to do a particular ministry, like Paul? Examine the context (sanctifying work of the Spirit, obey Jesus Christ, and be sprinkled with His blood).

2) Who Chose Them? God the Father.

3) What is the Meaning of “to know” in the Bible? Amos 3:2; Mt.7:23; Gen.4:1; 2Tim.2:19.

4) What does the “foreknowledge of God” refer to? 1Pet.1:20; Acts 2:23. “forelove”; plan beforehand to have a special relationship with; a saving relationship; a covenant relationship.

5) What was God’s choice based upon? Acts 13:48; John 6:37,44; Rom.9:10-16; Eph.1:3-5; 2Tim.1:9

6) How Did God’s Choice Become Effective in their Lives?

7) What does Sanctify Mean?

8) What 2 ways does the Bible speak of Sanctification? Heb.12:14; 1Cor.1:2

9) What is another term for Initial Sanctification?

10) What does Rom.8:29-30 teach about God’s call?

11) What is the goal of Election?

12) What will Effectual Calling always result in?

13) What 2 Blessings were promised under the New Covenant? Jer.31:33-34

14) What is the Specific Task of Each Member of the Trinity in salvation?

15) How can you Know if God Has chosen you? Called you?


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