Blessed Be God!

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 1:1-3 | Series:

In this message we begin our verse-by-verse in-depth study of the book of Ephesians. This letter of Paul to the Ephesians has long been one of my favorite books of the New Testament. I think we are in for a thrill as we examine it together!

Teaching Notes:

Blessed Be God

Ephesians 1:1-3


We are in for a thrill! We embark this morning on a study of Ephesians. Don’t let its small size fool you. It is a deep and powerful book. I encourage you to commit this book to memory. It will change your life.

1. Background on the Book of Ephesians

Occasion: written from prison A.D. 60-62. along with Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Paul met up with Onesimus, runaway slave of Philemon’s who lived at Colossae. Converted. Tychicus, probably one of elders at Colossae was also in Rome to discuss church problems with Paul. Paul took advantage of this opportunity to send 3 letters to friends (Eph. Col. Philemon). Eph.6:21-22; Col. 4:7-9.

Relationship to Colossians: called the “Twin Epistles”. ½ of all the verses in Ephesians are found in Colossians in varying degrees of identity. Both emphasize the relationship between Christ the Head, and Church, the Body. In Ephesians, the stress is on the Body. In Colossians the stress is on the Head.

Theme: Our Riches in Christ. Hetty Green was called America’s greatest miser. When she died in 1916, she left an estate valued at between $100 and 200 million – equal to $17 billion today! She was so miserly that she ate cold oatmeal in order to save the expense of heating the water. When her son had a severe leg injury, she took so long trying to find a free clinic that his leg had to be amputated because of an advanced infection. Here is a tragic story of a woman who had incredibly vast resources, but failed to use and enjoy them. Are we like her? Ephesians has been called “The Believer’s Bank”; “The Christians’ Checkbook”; “The Treasure House of the Bible.” 1:7; 3:8; 3:16. That they would experience these riches Paul prays: 1:15-23; 3:14-19, and exhorts them in 5:18. The word “riches” occurs 5 times in this letter; the word grace occurs 12 times; the word “glory” occurs 8 times; the word fulness occurs 6 times, the phrase “in Christ” occurxs 31 times, and the word “Spirit” occurs 11 times. If we put all these words together we find that Ephesians tells us that our spiritual riches are stored up in Christ, dispensed by the Spirit, on the basis of Grace, as we appropriate His fullness, and all is done for His own glory! The key Verse of this book is 1:3.

Another key theme is The Church. The theological term for this is ecclesiology. There are 27 references to the church in Ephesians. The Church is referred to as the Body, One New Man, Citizens, God’s Household, Whole Building, Holy Temple, Dwelling Of God, Saints, Body of Christ, Whole Body, Beloved Children, Children of Light, Members of His Body. The New Testament uses many metaphors for the church that the Old Testament uses for Israel such as Bride, Household, Flock, Vineyard, but the Old Testament never speaks of Israel as God’s body. That is a distinct & formerly unrevealed figure for God’s people in the New Testament. This shows the Church as having the closest possible union and intimacy with Christ!

Outline: Chapters 1-3 – Doctrine (Our Riches in Christ). Chapters 4-6 – Duty (Our Responsibilities in Christ). First Half – all about what God has done for us. 2nd Half – What we are to do for God. Let’s never reverse that order! If you do you will begin to try to earn God’s favor by your works – legalism!

1. Doctrine: Our Riches in Christ (chapters 1-3)

A. Our Spiritual Possessions in Christ – 1:4-14
From the Father – 1:4-6
From the Son – 1:7-12
From the Spirit – 1:13-14
First Prayer – for enlightenment – 1:15-23

B. Our Spiritual Position in Christ – 2:1-22
Raised and Seated on the Throne – 2:1-10
Reconciled and Set into the Temple – 2:11-22
2nd Prayer – for enablement – 3:1-21
(vs.2-13 are a parenthesis)

2. Duty: Our Responsibilities in Christ (chapters 4-6)

Walk in Unity – 4:1-16
Walk in Purity – 4:17-5:17
Walk in Harmony – 5:18-6:9
1) Husbands and Wives – 5:18-33
2) Parents and Children – 6:1-4
3) Masters and Servants – 6:5-9
Walk in Victory – 6:10-24

2. Ephesians 1:1-2

Who was Paul Writing To? The majority of surviving manuscripts contain “in Ephesus”, but 3 copies don’t. They are the very finest & most trustworthy. They read, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are faithful in Christ Jesus.” Notice there are no personal greetings in this letter as we find in its twin letter, Colossians. Ephesians involves no controversy and deals with no specific problems in any particular church. There are no terms of endearment, and has a distant tone (“having heard of the faith” 1:15, if you “have heard” of the stewardship of God’s grace given to me 3:2). These things seem inconsistent with the relationship Paul must have had with the Ephesians after a ministry of almost 3 years among them. Apparently what happened, is that this was intended to be a circular letter to all of the various cities in the area of Asia Minor, but it finally became associated with Ephesus the foremost of the Asian churches. Probably in the original autograph there was a blank space where recipients were named. Letter would be read to the church, copy made, passed on. After had made rounds it was returned to the archives in church at Ephesus where that name was inserted. Copies were made and sent when needed. Col.4:16 – perhaps this letter was first sent to Laodicea. Ephesians is not a specific message to a particular congregation concerning a definite situation or problem – rather it is a synopsis of revelation given to Paul as an apostle – a summary of the great truths of Christianity.

3. Ephesians 1:3

Blessed: ευλογεω: to speak a good word. λογεω – means to speak. Ευ – means good. When we bless God we speak good of Him. When Good blesses us, He gives good to us. We bless Him with our words; He blesses us with deeds. All we can do is speak well of Him because in ourselves we have nothing good to give Him and in Himself He lacks nothing. When He blesses us it is not because of our goodness, because we have none. Rather, He blesses us with goodness!

God and Father: He is the God of Christ in Christ’s human nature. He is the Father of Christ in Christ’s divine nature.

Every Spiritual Blessing: 1:3 is the thesis statement of the paragraph. 1:4-14 are an expansion and description of vs.3. Notice the blessings are not material like under OT, but spiritual. Deut.28:1-14. Notice that every spiritual blessing has already been given to us! 2Pet.1:3; Col.2:10. Doesn’t say they will be given. We don’t need more power, love, peace, joy. We need to appropriate what we already have! God can’t give us more than what He has already given to us in His Son. There is nothing more than Christ.

In The Heavenly Places: this phrase occurs 5x in Ephesians. Christ is there (1:20); we are there “in Him” (2:6).

In Christ: all that Jesus has, those in Him have. Rom.8:16-17. Christ’s riches are our riches. His resources are our resources. His righteousness is our righteousness. His power is our power; His position our position; His possessions ours.

4. Ephesians 1:3-14 Overview

God has a Plan: (His will – 1:5; predestined – 1:5; His kind intention – 1:9; His purpose – 1:11). This is God’s Master Plan of Salvation; His Eternal Plan for His Church

He Executes that Plan in Christ Jesus: (“in Him, through Him occurs 10 times in this section!)

He Accomplishes It for His Glory: (1:6, 1:12, 1:14)

The Whole Trinity is Involved in this Plan: (Father 1:3-6; Son 1:7-12; Spirit 1:13-14)

Major Themes: Chosen by the Father, Redeemed by the Son, Sealed by the Spirit

1:3-14 are 1 giant run on sentence of 202 Greek words.


Ephesians 1:3-14 is section dealing with our salvation (adoption, redemption, forgiveness). But what is our salvation ascribed to?

Our will or God’s will? (1:5)
Our merit or God’s grace? (1:6)
Our sacrifices or His blood? (1:7)
Our love for Him or His love for us? (1:4)
Our good intentions or His kind intention? (1:9)
Our purpose or His purpose? (1:11)
Our glory or His glory? (1:12,14)

There is nothing in this text about our will, merit, sacrifices, love, good intentions, purpose or glory, but everything about God’s! The only thing we are said to do in entire section is believe gospel (1:13). Even that is a gift of God (2:8-9). Salvation is ALL of God. Therefore ALL the credit and glory belongs to Him! That’s what He was aiming at! That’s why salvation is not of works that we should boast (2:8-9). All praise is owing to Him. That’s what Paul is exhorting us to do in 1:3. Bless God! Praise Him for His glorious work of salvation in Christ!

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