Which Religion Is Right, Part 2

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How do we know we have the right religion? In this message we focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  If Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it follows that He must be who He claimed to be, and accomplished what He said He would accomplish, which has everything to do with whether we are following the Truth or not!

Teaching Notes:

Which Religion Is Right?  – Pt. 2


TV news special on Heaven’s Gate Cult; Jonathan’s question; completely convinced; Also all major religions & cults. Imagine confusion of person trying to figure out which right!
How do we know we’re right? Mormons – burning in bosom? Know that know that know.
Present objective & historical evidence for Christianity. Reasons why Christian faith credible. Ultimately our faith is gift – can’t reason people into Christianity. But is evidence.
Faith not against reason – beyond it. Like 2 parallel lines. Reason stops while faith continues.
If going examine Christianity, obvious place to start is w/ Founder. Who? What say? How live?

1. The Evidence For The Reliability Of The Gospel Accounts:

A. How Can We Know The Truth About Jesus?

Pretend You Are A Historian. How learn anything from history (Caesar)? Look for historical documents w/ 3 criteria: reliable witnesses, eye-witness accounts, independently confirmed. Any docs like that? Matt – tax-collector; Mark – assist. of Peter; Luke – doctor; John – fisherman.

Reliable? Reason might be lying? Absence of hype, exaggeration. Objective, matter of fact. Nothing to gain by making up info re: J.C. Not popular to believe in Christ. All but 1 ended up martyrs. Manner & motive suggest telling truth.
J.B. Phillips “As I read the gospels I did not find the slightest flavor of myth in them. There was no hysteria, no careful working for effect, no attempt at collusion [conspiracy for fraudulent purposes}. These are not embroidered tales. The material is cut to the bone. There’s almost a childlike candor and simplicity, and the total effect is tremendous. No man could ever have invented such a character as Jesus.”

Eye-witness accounts? hearsay? Matt. – 3 yrs. Mk. – wrote what Peter told him he saw & heard of Christ. Lk.1:1-4. Jn.20:30-31; 21:24. All 4 based on actual eye-witness accounts.
Confirmed accounts? Only had 1 – Matthew’s. Wonderful! Faith strengthened if had 2. Totally independent & confirmed Matthew’s. 4! Each verify & corroborate others. Judge with 4 independent eye-witness rule their favor! If had 4 of Julius Caesar be really excited. Know what was true about him & life. Have access to truth of who Jesus was, what said & how lived.

B. What Do These Gospels Teach Us About Jesus?

Jesus Man Of Deep Integrity: flatter, curried favor from powers that be; enemies admitted spoke truth. Mt.22:16.

Jesus Deeply Loved People: lepers, prostitutes, tax-collectors, broke social convention for Samaritan woman; washed fee of disciples; compassion on multitude listening & hungry; cast out demons.

Jesus Deeply Loved God: called God Father; spent whole nights in prayer; joyfully praised Father; did all w/ eye to Father’s glory; drove out moneychangers when dishonored Father.

Jesus Incredible Supernatural Power: paralytic, leper, demon-possessed, blind, deaf, multiply fish & loaves, calm storm, walk on water, raise dead.

Jesus Taught Actually God in Human Flesh: God the Son; equal to Father; Jn.5:17-18; Jn.10:30-33. Every reason to conclude Jesus actually believed & taught was God. How can we know if was right?

Jesus Taught Would Rise From Dead: Mt.12:40; 16:21; 17:9; 22-23; 20:18-19. Liar – Lunatic (Elvis Presley) – Lord & God. How could we know? See if what predicted came true. Take most difficult – resurrection. If lying, won’t happen. Easy to make up lie but awfully hard to pull off! If happened would confirm all!

2. The Evidence For The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ:

A. The Fact of the Empty Tomb: All agree empty. Obvious. If wasn’t Jesus’ opponents go to tomb & parade body through streets of Jerusalem. So much for Christianity! How could the apostles have made any converts? Why Jews flog, beat & kill Christians if could silence w/ body? If tomb empty only 4 options:

1) The Swoon Theory: Jesus only fainted on the cross, but revived later in the tomb. The soldiers thought He was dead. Medical knowledge not very sophisticated.

A. Joseph and Nicodemus went through with the burial. Wouldn’t if slightest chance alive.

B. The centurion declared Jesus was dead. Witnessed execution of men daily. Had to know when dead.

C. Pierced side w/ spear to make sure dead.

D. Not revived by wrapped in 70-100 pounds of spices & then shut up in a tomb. Strong odor of spices in airtight tomb would kill sick person, whose brain was already seized with an unyielding swoon.

E. If Jesus not dead, would mean He appeared radiant to His disciples after not having His wounds dressed or having any food or drink for 3 days; move stone 3 women couldn’t move, fight off Roman guards, walk 7 miles to Emmaeus on pierced feet, live in hiding for 40 days making occasional appearances, then live out rest of life in complete solitude.

2) The Body Was Taken By Human Hands:

A. Theory That The Body Was Taken By Jewish Leaders:

1) No motive. Jews wanted a guard to make sure nobody stole body (Mt.27:62-66). If they stole body, give disciples a resurrection story. They didn’t want the body to disappear.

2) If they did steal the body, when the Christians began to proclaim the resurrection, they could easily have wheeled the body through Jerusalem, disproving their claims.

B. Theory That The Body Was Taken By Christians:

1) The Christians no where arrested for this crime. Because the chief priests knew that it hadn’t happened.

2) Why would Peter & John run to the tomb to see if Jesus had risen?

3) Jn.20:19 told that the disciples were timid and fearful. Would they attempt to overtake a Roman guard?

4) Soldiers wouldn’t go to sleep. Executed. Even if did, noise of stone would surely have awakened them!

5) Robbers wouldn’t rewind wrappings in original shape. Flung on ground in disorder & fled.

6) No motive. If Jesus not risen, it would not profit them. Spreading lie after following Master who taught to be truthful in all things.

7) Men will die for what they believe to be true – not what know to be false. Deceivers and martyrs not made of the same stuff.

3) Hallucination Theory: missed so much, sad & despondent. Psychological state of mind that open to hallucinations Jesus actually there. 500 people don’t all have same hallucination at same time! But Jesus’ opponents only have to produce body. By, by hallucinations!

4) Everybody Went to the Wrong Tomb Theory:

A. Christ’s body was laid there only 72 hours before.

B. The women were watching where he was laid (Mk.15:47). Would they forget in 3 days?

C. The angel said, “Here is the place where they laid Him.” (Mk.16:6). Did the angel make a mistake?

D. Peter and John ran to the same tomb.

E. Even if everyone went to the same tomb, Joseph, the owner of the tomb, would have solved the problem.

5) The Body Was Raised By Supernatural Power: from the evidence at hand, this by far is the most plausible answer, and just happens to be the Biblical answer! For those with faith, the mystery is solved!

Application: All evidence leads to fact of resurrection! If Jesus predicted He would rise and He did, what does that tell us? He Was Speaking The Truth

A. About Who He Was: Jn.10:30; 8:58. He is God!
B. About The Only Way to the Father: (false that all roads lead to God) Jn.14:6
C. About the Condition of All men: Mt.7:11; Mk.10:18
D. About the future sinners will face: Mt.13:37-43; Luke 16:19-26
E. About Why He Came: 20:28; Luke 19:10; Jn.3:17
F. About What Men Must Do To Be Saved: 3:16; 8:12; 8:51; 10:9; 11:25-26.

What will you do with Christ? Summarize Message. This Xmas could be the best day of your life. Could be the first day of a whole new beginning, a whole new life, a life lived in fellowship with God.

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