The Glory of Jesus Christ

| by | Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-3 | Series:

In this teaching, we begin our series on the Book of Hebrews. And what a book it is! Hebrews shows us the glory of Christ in a way that we don’t find in many other places of the New Testament. Let’s reverently come to this book to be brought face to face with the greatest Person this world has ever known.

Teaching Notes:

The Glory of  Jesus Christ

Hebrews 1:1-3

An Overall Look at the Book of Hebrews

What kind of document is this? Is it a letter? Different from typical letters. Author never gives his name. Never gives a greeting. Just plunges right into his letter filled with lofty doctrine. It ends a little more like an epistle. Mentions Timothy. Tells them to greet all their leaders and saints. He sends greetings to them. Ends with a prayer-blessing “Grace be with you all.” Best way of describing this document is vs.22 – “word of exhortation.” One ancient letter writing form was the “letter-essay” which in early Judaism and Christianity would have resembled a sermon. Hebrews probably such a letter-essay. Although much strong doctrine in this letter, also much practical exhortation. “Let us” – 13x. Hebrews 4:1,11,14,16; 6:1; 10:22,23,24; 12:1,28; 13:13,15.

Who is the author writing to? From time memorial the title “Hebrews” has been ascribed to this document. Gen.14:13 “Abram the Hebrew.” Abraham and his posterity all referred to as Hebrews. Jewish believers.

Where were the Hebrews he was writing to? 13:24. Can’t say for sure. Either author wrote from Italy or to Italy. If wrote to Italy, probably Rome, for there was a very large population of Jews there.

Who was the author? No one knows for sure. Never gives his name. Early church fathers are not unanimous on this. Some believed Paul was author; others that Barnabus or Luke. Luther thought it was Apollos. KJV says “the epistle of Paul the apostle to the Hebrews.” Are there any good reasons for believing Paul wrote this epistle?
13:23 – whoever he was knew and traveled with Timothy
13:25 – ends his epistle “grace be with you all.” 2Thes.3:17-18. If check out end of every letter of Paul, all end this way. From James to Jude, None end this way. Only Revelation.
13:24 – May have been written from Italy, where Paul was a prisoner.
2Peter3:14-16 – Paul did write an epistle to the same Jewish audience Peter wrote to. If it was not Hebrews, what was it? By 150 A.D. Pantaenus, leader of Alexandria, stated it was generally accepted as of Paul. Only 70 years after Paul’s death! Clement of Alexandria adds “the men of old handed it down as Paul’s.” Only by 3rd century did other authors begin to be suggested.

Why would Paul have omitted his name? Because he was the apostle to the Gentiles, and the Jews were prejudiced against him, and if he had included his name it may have prevented its usefulness. Although we can’t be dogmatic, I think the evidence favors Paul.
Key Words: better – 13x. Better hope, covenant, promises, sacrifice, possession, country, resurrection. Other key words: Perfect – 12x; Eternal & forever – 16x.

Background and Theme:
Hebrews deals with the tremendous struggle involved in leaving 1 religious system for another. There is the violent wrenching of old ties, the stresses and tensions of alienation, and the formidable pressures exerted on the renegade to return. They were leaving Judaism for Christ, and this involved leaving shadows for the substance, ritual for reality, the temporary for the permanent, in short, the good for the best. It also involved leaving the popular for the unpopular, the majority for the minority. The letter was written to people of Jewish background. These Hebrews had heard the gospel preached by the apostles and others during the early days of the church, and had seen the mighty miracles of the H.S. confirming the message. They had responded to the gospel in 1 of 3 ways:

Some believed and were converted.

Some professed to become Christians, were baptized, and took their place in the local assemblies. However, they had never been born again by the H.S.

Others flatly rejected the message of salvation.

Hebrews deals with the 1st 2 classes – truly saved Hebrews and those who had nothing but an outward veneer of Christianity.

When a Jew left the faith of his forefathers, he was looked on as a turncoat and an apostate was often punished with 1 or more of the following:

  • Disinheritance by his family
  • Excommunication from the congregation of Israel
  • Loss of employment
  • Mental harassment and physical torture
  • Public mockery
  • Imprisonment
  • Martyrdom

Of course there was always the escape route. If he would renounce Christ and return to Judaism, he would be spared from further persecution. Others under influence of false teaching trying to seduce them – 13:9. There were strong arguments used to persuade him to return to Judaism:

  • The rich heritage of the prophets
  • The prominent ministry of angels in the history of God’s ancient people
  • Association with the illustrious lawgiver Moses
  • National ties with the brilliant military commander Joshua
  • The glory of the Aaronic priesthood
  • The sacred sanctuary where God chose to dwell among His people
  • The covenant of the law given by God through Moses
  • The divinely appointed furniture in the sanctuary, and the magnificent veil
  • The services in the sanctuary, and especially the ritual on the great Day of Atonement.

We can almost hear the first century Jews presenting all these glories of their ancient, ritualistic religion, then asking with a sneer, “And what do you Christians have? We have all this. What do you have? Nothing but a simple upper room, a table, and some bread and wine on the table! Do you mean to say that you have left all this for that?”
The epistle to the Hebrews is really an answer to the question, “What do you have?” In a word the answer is Christ! In Him we have One who is better than the prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua, Aaron, the sanctuary, the old covenant, animal sacrifices. Just as the stars fade from view in the greater glory of the sun, so the types and shadows of Judaism pale into insignificance before the greater glory of the Person and work of the Lord Jesus.
For those who were only nominal Christians, persecution resulted in the danger of apostasy. After professing to receive Christ, they might utterly renounce Him and return to ritualistic religion. For this willful sin there was no repentance or forgiveness. Against this sin there are repeated warnings in the Letter to the Hebrews.

2:1 – drifting away from the message of Christ
3:7-19 – sin of rebellion or of hardening the heart
6:6 – falling away or committing apostasy.
10:25 – forsaking the assembling together
10:26 – willful or deliberate sin.
12:16 – selling one’s birthright for a single meal
12:25 – refusal to hear the One who is speaking from heaven.

Style of Writing: Many preachers prefer to teach, and then at the end of their message apply it. Others prefer to apply as go along. Hebrews applies all along way. 13 exhortations to perseverance! 4x told to hold fast! 13x exhortation begins with “let us”…

The Glory of Jesus Christ

1. Jesus is God’s Final Revelation: God is not silent; He communicates. True & living God is a speaking God. He’s not just an idea to be thought of, but Person to be listened to, & obeyed. Note how God has spoken in 2 ways and periods of time – before the coming of Jesus into the world, and through the coming of Jesus. Many portions: size of food on plate. Amplified: in many separate revelations – each of which set forth a portion of the Truth. Progressive revelation. Many ways: God spoke audibly, through dreams to Joseph and Daniel, through visions to Ezekiel, through poetry (Job & Psalms), through proverbs, through history. Last days: implies something important happened when Christ spoke. He is the climax and culmination of all God’s revelation. There are no days after Him in which God will speak. Jesus has brought all God’s revelation. We have all revelation we need in our Bibles! Jesus never wrote single verse of Bible. But God spoke through Him and gave us entire NT!

2. Jesus is Heir of All Things:
Now being told why could never be any revelation superior to Christ’s. All things belong to God. Jesus is God’s only Son. Thus, Jesus inherits everything! To Him belong entire universe, lordship over all angels, all men, , all animals and plants, all events. Mt.28:18; Jn.5:22.

3. Jesus is Creator of All Things:
Jn.1:1-3; Col.1:16.

4. Jesus is the Image of the Invisible God: radiance of His glory – Jesus relates to God the way radiance relates to glory, or the way the rays of sunlight relate to the sun. 1. There is no time that the sun exists without the beams of radiance. They cannot be separated. The radiance is co-eternal with the glory. Christ is co-eternal with God. Christ is eternally begotten of the Father, not made. 2. The radiance IS the glory radiating out. It is not essentially different from the glory. Christ is God, separate but not different from the Father. 3. We see the sun, by seeing the rays of the sun. So we see God the Father, by seeing Jesus. The rays of the sun arrive here about 8 seconds after they leave the sun, and the round ball of fire that we see in the sky is the image – the exact representation of the sun. It is the sun streaming forth in its radiance. Exact representation of His nature – word refers to minted coins that bear the image of a sovereign or president. It refers to a precise reproduction of the original. The Son is completely the same in His being as the Father. Just as an imprint is the same as the stamp that makes the impression, both exist separately. The Son is not the Father, but proceeds from the Father and has a separate existence. Yet He who sees the Son has seen the Father – Jn.14:9.

5. Jesus is the Upholder of All Things:
whole universe hangs on Word of Jesus for its moment by moment existence. Col.1:17. He keeps the world from dissolving, falling apart, disintegrating. See His Power!

6. Jesus is the Purifier of Sins: speaking of Christ’s atoning work, making satisfaction for sins, removing guilt and stain of sins. Doesn’t say He is making purification, or will make purification. Speaks of a once for all perfectly completed work! 10:12-13.

7. Jesus is the King of the Universe: sat down in contrast to priests. No chair in holy place. Work never done, cuz didn’t ever take away sin. Sat down on throne. Right hand place of honor & glory. Eph.1:20-22.


1. NT is the Climax of God’s Revelation: all Bible is true and useful and important, but NT is God’s final and complete Word! If have to make choice, go with NT.

2. Glory of Christ is Beyond Compare! Not just a man, not just good man, religious leader, not just angel, or archangel, or greatest angel. He is God in flesh! He created, He sustains, He rules and reigns. He is Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Ruler. Never get caught up in something so small and silly as things of this world when you can be caught up with Jesus Christ!

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