The Diversity of Spiritual Gifts

| by | Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 | Series:

In 1 Corinthians 12-14 Paul launches into a 3-chapter discussion of spiritual gifts. In this message we are going to survey 9 different manifestations of the Spirit. We are continuationists who do believe that these manifestations of the Spirit are still available to the church today. However, we are Charismatics with a seatbelt! We hope you gain spiritual blessing from this study.

Teaching Notes:

The Diversity of Gifts

1 Corinthians 12:1-11


Now concerning: in the 2nd half of this letter (chapters 7-16) where Paul is introducing a new question that they had asked in a previous letter that he is going to respond to, he uses this phrase (7:1, 7:25, 8:1, 16:1).

Chapters 12-14: all relate to spiritual gifts. Ch. 13 “the love chapter” is not a new subject in this letter. Ch. 12 – The Diversity of Gifts and the Unity of the Body.  Ch. 13 – The Preemince of Love.  Ch. 14 – The Superiority of Prophecy over Tongues and the Need to Exercised in an Orderly Fashion.

12:1-3: I do not want you to be unaware: indicates Paul is coming to important doctrinal content.

12:2: when they were pagans they were ignorant. They were led astray to mute idols. These idols had no ability to communicate with their devotees or answer prayer.

12:3: however, the Spirit can communicate. He does so through spiritual gifts like tongues and prophecy. How do you know when the Spirit is working? He will exalt Jesus. If someone claims to be speaking by the Spirit, but is devaluing or minimizing Jesus (Jesus is accursed), you know that’s not the Spirit. The Spirit will cause people to embrace Jesus as Lord and King and bow their knees to Him. No one can make that confession and truly mean it apart from the Spirit’s working.


What Was The Problem In Corinth?

It appears from 12:16-17 that some were putting to so much emphasis on 1 gift that those who don’t have that gift felt they weren’t really a part of the body. Considering the attention Paul gives it in ch.14, it was probably tongues. However, notice that in each list of gifts in ch.12 tongues and interpretation are put last (12:10, 30).


12:4-6: notice that varieties is repeated 3 times.  The word same repeated 3 times. Gifts, ministries, and effects are granted by the Triune God:  Spirit, Lord and God. This shows us how broadly and diversely God works. We were never intended to look and function just like each other. God wants a diversity in giftings. Just as in Creation, so in Redemption, God likes variety. After Paul refers to Lord and God in 12:5-6, he always refers to the Spirit hereafter. If you have a gift, a ministry, or see an effect in your life, it is because God has granted it.


12:7:  each oneevery Christian is given a manifestation of the Spirit. None are excluded or left out. If we have the Spirit, we will manifest Him. He manifests Himself in 2 primary ways:  Fruit and Gifts. Fruit has to do with the character of Jesus. Gifts has to do with the power of Jesus. The Spirit enables believers to manifest Christ either in Character or Power.  For the common good. – Gifts are not given primarily for us. They are given for the benefit of the church. Whatever ability you have, make sure you consecrate yourself to use it for the blessing of others!


12:8-10: Here Paul gives us a sampling of various gifts of the Spirit. He lists 9 of them. This is not an exhaustive list. We know that because in 12:28, he adds 2 more (helps and administrations). Also, Romans 12 speaks of exhortation, mercy, service and giving.  Further, something need to be spectacular or obviously supernatural to qualify as a genuine gift of the Spirit. Miracles is listed along with helps.



1Cor.12:8-11 1Cor.12:28 Rom.12:6-8 Eph.4:11 1Peter 4:11
Word of widom

Word of knowledge


Gifts of healings

Working of    miracles


Distinguishing of spirits

Various kinds of tongues

Interpretation of tonguesApostles



Workers of miracles



Various kinds of tonguesProphecy






Showing mercyApostles








Interestingly, the only gift that is listed every time is prophecy.


The Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge: this is the only Biblical reference to these gifts by these names. Thus, there can be little certainty exactly what they refer to. Some believe they were referred to supernatural information given by the Spirit that could not have been known otherwise, and the supernatural application of knowledge in a certain situation. If so, we see Jesus exercising knowledge in Jn.4:17-18; Jn.17:27. Elijah in 1 Kings 17:14.  Wisdom:  Mt.22:15-22. James in Acts 15:19-21 or 6:1-4.

However, since we already have a gift that deals with the communication of a divine revelation (prophecy), it is possible that the word of knowledge and wisdom refer to those with the ability to bring a message based on knowledge or wisdom to the church. In other words, according to this view, the word of knowledge would be similar to the gift of teaching, and the word of wisdom would be similar to the gift of exhortation.


Faith: this can’t mean saving faith, because not all believers receive this gift, yet all possess saving faith. Saving faith has to do with believing the Word of God concerning Christ and His Gospel. Gift of faith has to do with believing God to do certain things for which he has no explicit promise in Scripture. In 13:2 it is the faith to remove mountains. George Muller is a good example of this, as He prayed for and trusted God to provide every need for his immense orphanage. Scriptural examples would include Elijah’s faith in prayer that it would rain, Also, Acts 14:9 and James 5:15.


Gifts of Healings: the person with this gift is not able to empty hospitals, healing every person and every kind of disease. Note there are “gifts” of healing. This may refer to the fact that the person with this ability can only deliver the gifts that God has granted, in the same way a delivery boy can only deliver the package with the homeowner’s address on it. Or, it may refer to the fact that certain people are gifted to bring healing to certain kinds of diseases, while others are gifted to heal other kinds of illnesses.


Effecting of Miracles: of course all healings are miracles, but not all miracles are healings. Jesus operated in this gift when he changed the water to wine, multiplied the loaves and the fish, and walked on water. Peter and Paul both raised the dead.


Prophecy: the communication of a divine revelation. It is not speaking the very words of God, but rather is communicated in the person’s own language. It must be judged and tested for veracity. It does not deal with theological or doctrinal issues, but with God revealing something that His people need to know at a particular time and place.  Paul wants the church to earnestly desire this gift. It is highly valued in the NT.


Distinguishing of spirits: “spirit” here may refer to a prophecy. Read 1Jn.4:1-3 with this in mind. If so, then this gift would be the ability to discern if a prophecy is from the Holy Spirit, a demonic spirit, or a human spirit. Notice it comes right after prophecy, just as interpretation comes right after tongues. Both prophecy and tongues may have their companion gifts.


Various Kinds of Tongues: this the ability to speak in a language that the speaker has never learned. According to 13:1 they may be the languages of men or angels. In ch.14 Paul says that no one understands these languages, and speaking them will be of no benefit unless they are interpreted.


Interpretation of Tongues: notice this is not a “translation” of tongues. That’s why an interpretation of tongues might be a lot longer or a lot shorter than the tongues itself. Also, note that “tongues” is directed to God (14:2), whereas prophecy is directed to man (14:3).  When we address God, we do so in prayer or praise. A “tongue” would probably resemble one of the Psalms in the OT.


12:11: just as He willsthe Spirit is sovereign. We don’t get to decide what gifts we get. We can earnestly desire certain gifts, but the Spirit will give us what He knows is best for us and the church.



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