The Deadly Word

| by | Scripture: Hebrews 4:12-13 | Series:

Usually this passage in Hebrews is used to teach that God’s Word is like a knife that brings conviction of sin and sanctification of soul.  Although there is much truth in that statement, I do not believe that is what is being taught here. Tune in to find out what God’s Word will bring.

Teaching Notes:

The Deadly Word

Hebrews 4:12-13


Intro:  Read. Pray.

God does many powerful things in our lives with His Word.

Seed: 1Pet.2:23.  Milk: 1Pet.2:2.  Lamp: Ps.119:105.  Water:  Eph.5:26.  Sword:  Eph.6:17.  Word grants life, causes us to grow spiritually, gives direction to how we should live, sanctifies us, and enables us fight our spiritual enemies.  But Heb.4:12-13 gives totally different purpose. Misunderstood this passage until now. What does God use His Word to do in Heb.4:12-13?

1.  What is the Word of God like? A sword! Sharper than any earthly sword. Here purpose of sword not to fight our spiritual enemies. Sword not in our hands. Who is holding this sword?  God!  Living: what is opposite of living? Dead!  Active: what is opposite of active? Inactive. Inert. Point? This sword is not dead and inert, lying on ground with no power to do anything. It is alive and powerful and active, cuz it is in the hands of the Living God! God’s Word of Threatening is not idle!

2.  What does the Word of God do?  Pierces, Judges, Opens, Lays Bare. What was purpose of sword in Biblical days? A weapon used to destroy an enemy. To bring destruction on a foe. Rev. 1:16; 2:16; 19:11-21.  How far can God’s Word pierce?  Divides soul & spirit, bone & marrow. Note: doesn’t say divides soul from spirit, and bone from marrow. Point: God’s Word can penetrate to the very core of your person, and can slash right through bone, marrow, soul & spirit. There is nothing His Word can’t penetrate and cut through. When Word pierces what does it do?  Judges. This talking about what God’s Word does, not to sanctify you, but to judge you!  How will God’s Word judge us?  Open us and lay us bare! ESV: “naked and exposed.” Ever have a dream where are naked in crowd of people & everyone looking at you? Won’t be a dream one day. All of us have skeletons in our closet spend time & energy making sure no one ever discovers. Ever dissect a frog in High School? Similar idea. Only God is exposing, not vital organs, but thoughts and intentions!  Laid Bare: Gr. = “trachelizo”. Noun form is “trachelos” – the neck or throat. We get tracheotomy. Verb means “to seize and twist the neck or throat.” Used of wrestler who seized opponent by throat so that couldn’t move. Would be face to face w/ Him. Word will do this to us one day! Also used to describe the trial of a criminal. A dagger would be strapped under an accused man’s chin with its point up, thus keeping him from bowing his head and forcing him to face the court. Sooner or later, all men will stand before God, whose Word will lay bare their heart and force them to face God and their own sinfulness.


3.  When will the Word of God do this work? When will God judge thoughts and intentions of the heart?  1Cor.4:5. When the Lord comes to Judge.  ESV: “to Whom we must give account” or “with Whom is our reckoning” (Young’s Literal).  There is a day of Reckoning coming. These verses speaking of what God’s Word will do on Judgment Day! Jn.12:48.



1.  Great Aim of Life is to Enter God’s Rest: saved from sin and enter into God’s joyful eternity.

2. Great Means To Get There is Trusting God: that’s why unbelief will keep us out of God’s rest. 3:19; 4:2.

3. To Keep Trusting God We Must Strive Against Unbelief: 4:11 not teaching salvation by works. Teaching necessity of battling unbelief to continue in faith until end.

4.  Why do We Need to  Be Diligent to Enter God’s Rest? 4:12.  “FOR”. Why does verse begin that way. For means “because.” Here is the Reason for Call to Diligence.  If you are not diligent to fight unbelief, if you end up following example of Israelites, won’t enter God’s Rest, and God’s Word will cut you wide open!

5.  Make your Calling and Election Sure: That’s what he’s saying. Make sure you are a genuine believer, not a hypocrite or a fake. What is it that Word will judge? Thoughts and intentions of heart. Whenever there is true conversion mind & heart will be conformed to God’s will. God will cut us wide open and reveal thoughts & affections. One of best tests of whether converted – where are your thoughts, our affections? What do you love? What do you talk about? Out of abundance of heart mouth speaks. Think about how can please God? Dwell on His Word? How can serve Him? What love most in life? 2Cor.13:5. Many profess Christ as Lord – but on Judgment Day God’s Word will reveal whether you were real or not.

6.  Allow Word to Do Work Now Before Judgment Day: allow it to pierce you, judge your thoughts & intentions of heart, so can repent now. On Judgment Day too late to repent. We are to use this life to prepare for the next. This life is just a tiny scratch.


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