The Christian And Government

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 2:13-17 | Series:

This section in 1 Peter is very important as it addresses the Christian’s responsibility toward governing authorities. What is our responsibility toward them? What is God’s purpose for them? Why are we to submit to them? How are we to submit to them? Is it ever right not to submit to them? Find out in this study.

Teaching Notes:

The Christian and Government

1 Peter 2:13-17

Intro: This is the first of the “submit” exhortations (2:18; 3:1). Peter will speak to us about the believer as a citizen, employee, wife, husband, and member of the body. Starts with us in relation to government. At first glance, this section may seem kind of hum-drum. What does this have to do with my Christian life? Everything! You’ll notice that the Lord is mentioned in every verse except for verse 14. The way you conduct your life in relation to government should flow directly out of your relationship with God.

1. What Is Our Responsibility Toward Governing Authorities?

A. Submit: Notice the context. Peter has just told us that Christians are a “holy nation” and “a people for God’s own possession” and are “aliens and strangers” (vs.11). Does that mean that we are free from any responsibility towards human government? No! While we live in this world, we are citizens of 2 governing orders: the government of the U.S.A, and the government (kingdom) of God. God is the sovereign King over both orders. When we submit to human government, this is an act of tribute to our God who is the Ultimate Ruler over all. The word submit means “to rank yourselves under” or “obey.” In what ways are we to submit to government? By obeying the laws of the land in which we live, by paying our taxes (Rom.13:6-7), by showing honor and respect towards our leaders, and by praying for them (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

B. King… governors: here Peter spells out what kind of human institutions he is thinking about. The king is the supreme power in the land. Governors are delegated powers of the king. We are to submit to our President, courts, governors, policemen and even the dog catcher.

C. But What if the Government is Evil – do I still have to submit? Well, think of the government present in Peter’s day. Nero was the Roman Emperor. He was a vicioius, cruel and evil man. He plotted the death of his own mother and ordered 2 top-ranking generals to commit suicide. He set fire to Rome and blamed the Christians for it. Peter himself was probably crucified upside down for his faith, under Nero’s reign. Yet, Peter exhorts us to submit to his rule. We are commanded by God, to submit to government, even if is corrupt, as long as this human government does not usurp God’s rule in our lives. If it does, we must obey God rather than man.

2. What Is God’s Purpose for Governing Authorities?


A. The Punishment of Evildoers: God’s basic purpose for human government is to restrain evil. They are to maintain external order in a world seething with evil. They are to dam up the river of evil in human hearts so that the world is not flooded with godless anarchy. Without government, all hell would literally break loose on planet earth! Just remember the L.A. riots – looting, shooting, stealing, and violence are the order of the day when there is no governing authority. By punishing evildoers, the power of evildoers is kept under restraint.

B. The Praise of Those Who Do Right: Rom.13:3. Peter seems to be speaking here of the benefits for submissive, law-abiding citizens. What might they be? Government protects them from and defends from those that would harm them or steal from them. They receive no tickets, fines, or jail sentences.

3. Why Are We To Submit to Governing Authorities?


A. For the Lord’s Sake: Don’t miss this. This is the key phrase in this whole paragraph. If we miss this, we miss everything. Our submission to government is not because our government is worthy, or because we are naturally compliant. When deciding how to respond to government, we ought not ask ourselves whether we feel like obeying, or whether there will be negative consequences of non-submission. We should consult God and ask Him what His will is in the matter. This is how the Christian decides every issue. “Children obey your parents in the Lord.” We honor our President, not for his sake, but for the Lord’s sake. We submit to honor and glorify God. Nonbelievers will have a negative opinion of our God if we live rebellious lives.


B. It is the Will of God: Here is one of the few places in the NT, where we are told specifically what God’s will is. People are always asking, “how can I know God’s will for my life?” God’s will for your life is to submit to government! There is no doubt about that.


C. It is Right: when you live a submissive, law-abiding life, you are doing what is right. It is righteous.


D. It will Silence the Ignorance of Foolish Men: this seems to be Peter’s concern in 2:12. There were foolish men who were slandering these believers. Peter says “silence them by your righteous lives.” Let your righteous life put to silence all these slanders and false accusations about Christians.


4. How Are We To Submit to Governing Authorities?


A. As Free Men, yet God’s Bondslaves: we are not slaves to the American government, but we are slaves to God. We do not submit to government because we are slaves to it, but as God’s free people. We do not submit in bondage for the President’s sake, but in freedom for the Lord’s sake. We should never use the fact that we are free in Christ as an excuse for evil behavior (rebellious non-submission). Instead, we should use our freedom in Christ to obey our Master’s revealed will.


Closing Exhorations:


1) Honor All Men: we are to give a basic honor and respect to every person. Look for a way to honor each person you interact with. Just by addressing them as “Sir” shows respect. Putting them before yourself shows honor. Doing something to serve them.


2) Love the Brotherhood: beyond the basic respect for all people, we are to show a special love to the brothers and sisters in Christ. This is what Peter was emphasizing in 1:22. Look for ways to show love to the body of Christ.


3) Fear God: there is a fear we are to give God that we are to give to no one else. We are not to fear men, but oh… we are to fear God reverently!


4) Honor the King: this brings us back to our starting point. We are not to fear the king, and we need not love him as we love other Christians, but we are to honor him.


Questions for Personal Application:


1. Is it ever right Not to submit to Governing Authorities? If so, when? Dan.3:16-18; Dan.6:10.


2. When do you have the most difficult time submitting to governing authorities?


3. What are some things we should avoid that might show disrespect of a governing authority?


4. How would God have us honor a President that We Adamantly Disagree With?




© Stone Bridge Ministries


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