Paul’s Ministry to The Gentiles

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-13 | Series:

Up until this point in Ephesians Paul has not talked about himself at all — it has all been about what God has done for us in Christ. But now, everything changes as he becomes intensely personal and autobiographical in going down a bunny trail to describe the glorious riches the Gentiles have as fellow heirs with believing Jews!

Teaching Notes:

Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles

Ephesians 3:1-13

The first thing we must notice about this section in Ephesians is that it is a parenthesis in Paul’s argument and flow of thought. We know that by the dash at the end of 3:1. Notice how it reads, “For this reason, I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles” and then a dash. Why is the dash there? It is there because from 3:2-13 Paul goes off on a bunny trail. Then in 3:14, he runs back to the main path he had been traveling before he went off on the bunny trail, and continues, “For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father.” That’s what he had started out to say in 3:1, but had been sidetracked. Why was Paul sidetracked? I believe it was because of 2 words he used in 3:1 – “prisoner” and “Gentiles.” Paul knew that his mentioning that he was a prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of the Gentiles might cause his readers to lose heart at the tribulations he was enduring. However, Paul wants them to know that these tribulations are actually their glory (3:13). They shouldn’t lose heart over them, but glory in them. But why? Because these tribulations have come upon Paul because he has been faithful to the stewardship of God’s grace which was given him (3:2). It is because of Paul’s faithful stewardship of God’s grace, that these Gentiles have believed the gospel, and now understand the mystery of Christ (3:4). So, rather than lose heart at Paul’s tribulations, he wants them to glory in them. And in order to help them glory in his tribulations Paul writes 3:2-12.

Why should the Ephesians glory in Paul’s tribulations? Because all of Paul’s powerful ministry to them had arisen out of those tribulations. What about Paul’s ministry to them should they glory in?

1. Paul’s ministry had made known to them the mystery of Christ: 3:3-7
2. Paul’s ministry had made known to them the unfathomable riches of Christ: 3:8
3. Paul’s ministry had made known to them the eternal purpose of God: 3:9-12

Notice also how intensely personal and autobiographical Paul becomes in this section. Notice all the “I” and “my” and “me” statements in this section. This is brand new in this letter. Everything up until now has been focused on what God has done for us in Christ. Paul has not said anything about himself. Now, everything is about God’s call on his life for the sake of the Gentiles. The reason is so that these Gentiles may not lose heart, but rather glory in Paul’s tribulations as he suffers as a prisoner in Rome for his proclamation of the gospel.

1. Paul’s Ministry Had Made Known To Them The Mystery Of Christ:

A. Stewardship of God’s Grace: a stewardship is something entrusted to another who will have to give an account. Paul’s ministry was entrusted to him from God. This ministry wasn’t for his own benefit, but for the sake of the Gentiles. The KJV uses “dispensation of grace.” We have soda dispensing machines. These machines dispense or give out the soda when we put our cups under them. In other words, Paul was to give out to the Gentiles what God had given to him – that was his ministry.

B. The Mystery of Christ: Paul uses this word “mystery” 3 times in this section – 3:3,4,9. A mystery is something previously unknown, but now revealed. Where did Paul write of this mystery in brief? Eph.2:13-19. How did Paul come to understand this mystery? It was revealed to him (3:3), evidently a special revelation directly from Christ. What is this mystery, exactly? 3:6 – that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” Fellow heirs – 2:19. Fellow members of the body – 2:16. Fellow partakers of the promise in Christ – 2:12-13. The nations share in the promise made to Abraham. They are part of the covenant people of God. They are True Jews (Rom.2:29).

C. Minister: 3:7. What is a “minister”? We think of a full-time pastor of a church. However, this term simply means “servant.” A minister is a servant; a ministry is a service. Paul was a servant of the gospel. It was his job to faithfully serve up or dispense the gospel to the Gentiles. How did Paul get this ministry? Did he have it because of his personal worthiness or natural giftedness? No! He tells us it came to him according to the gift of God’s grace which was according to the working of God’s power. In other words, this ministry was totally undeserved, but graciously given.

2. Paul’s Ministry Had Made Known To Them The Unfathomable Riches of Christ:

A. Unfathomable: What does this word mean? It means “not tracked out” or “untraceable.” It would be the word we would use when a criminal is fleeing from the law, and the dogs are at his heels. He is running along a beach, but before his pursuers can catch up to him, the waves have come and completely erased his tracks, so that it is impossible to find him. This word speaks of the impossibility of us tracking and comprehending the full depth of the riches of Christ for the Gentiles. They are like an ocean that can not be plummeted, or a bank account that can’t be exhausted. What are these riches Paul is speaking about? He’s told us in Eph.2:11-22 and 3:6. These riches are so great that will take eternity for God to show them to us (Eph.2:7). Now, Paul has not switched subjects here. The “mystery of Christ” is the same thing as the “unfathomable riches of Christ” which is the same thing as the “eternal purpose of God.” Paul is just using different phrases to describe the same thing.

B. The Very Least Of All Saints: In the Greek Paul literally says, “To me, the leaster of all saints this grace was given.” Paul actually coins a new word to describe himself! Paul made statements like this 3 times in his letters. In 1 Cor.15:9 he says, “I am the least of the apostles.” In Eph.3:8 he says, “I am the very least of all saints.” In 1 Tim.1:15 he says, “I am the foremost of sinners.” Least of the apostles, least of all saints, foremost of sinners. What is interesting is that the longer Paul walked with Jesus, the lower his view of himself became. 1 Corinthians was written before Ephesians, and Ephesians was written before 1 Timothy. This teaches us that the longer we walk with Christ, the more humble we will become and the lower our view will be of ourselves, and not the reverse. The contemporary emphasis on self-esteem in the Church does not come from Scripture!

C. Preach: How did Paul communicate these unsearchable riches of Christ? He preached them! There is something here of importance that we who are members of house churches need to hear. Preaching is the God-ordained means of saving sinners (1Cor.1:21). Although in our house churches we primarily use interactive teaching as the vehicle for spiritual growth, we must never cast off preaching. It is my hope that in the future we will hold meetings in some public place specifically for the preaching of the gospel to the lost. These meetings will not be church meetings, but they will be an outreach ministry of the church.

3. Paul’s Ministry Had Made Known To Them The Eternal Purpose of God:

A. For Ages Has Been Hidden In God…The Eternal Purpose: What is Paul saying was hidden in God for ages? The mystery that God was going to include the Gentiles in all of the saving blessings and promises that He had granted the Jews. This seems to be the meaning of the eternal purpose which God carried out in Christ Jesus in 3:11. This plan to bless, save, and glorify Gentiles had been part of God’s secret plan from the foundation of the world, but was unknown to humanity until now.

B. The Manifold Wisdom of God: The Greek word for “manifold” is polypoikilos. Poikilos means “multi-colored”. Poly means “much.” Paul could have used poikilos to say God’s wisdom comes in many colors, many shades, intensities, and brightnesses. But he used the stronger word polypoikilos to signify that God’s wisdom comes in an almost infinite number of colors, shades, and intensities. Now why did God give Paul this ministry of making known this Mystery to the Gentiles? It’s because He wanted to put His many-colored wisdom on display to the angels (both good and evil). Notice the words “so that” which begin verse 10. This tells us the reason for God making known this mystery. We need to remember that God does everything for His own glory. The ingathering of God’s elect exists so that the angels will stand in utter amazement at His wisdom! And the demons will see God’s wisdom in accomplishing the salvation of His people through the cross – the very thing the demons thought had accomplished Christ’s defeat!

Questions for Personal Reflection


1. Paul says he was a prisoner of Christ Jesus, not of the Romans. In this he is stating that Jesus Christ sovereignly orders all the affairs of his life, and that he is not the victim of his circumstances. In fact, God has an eternal purpose He is carrying out in Christ. This purpose can not fail. God will have His way. When you face tribulations, do you rejoice in the fact that Christ has allowed them in your life for your good and His glory? Or, do you moan and complain about them?

2. Paul mentions several times that his ministry was given by grace (3:2,7,8). He didn’t deserve it and had not earned it. It was an awesome privilege and honor to serve Christ and His people in this way. Do you have a ministry? What is it? Do you consider it an awesome privilege or an oppressing burden?

3. Paul makes it clear that believing Jews have no greater privileges than believing Gentiles. There are no 1st and 2nd class citizens in the body of Christ. Do you feel like you are a 2nd class Christian or do you realize that you have the same privileges and access to God as any other believer has (3:12)?

4. One of the reasons God saves sinners is to display His infinite shades of wisdom to the angels! Do you rejoice in a God who does all to glorify Himself, or does this trouble you?


© Stone Bridge Ministries


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