Doing the Works Of God In 2010

| by | Scripture: John 9:4 | Series:

This passage of Scripture is one of the most confusing and difficult to interpret passages in all of the New Testament. You’ve heard the expression, “He can’t see the forest for the trees.” When we step back and look at the surrounding context, we can see how this difficult section fits into Peter’s thought — encouragement to help persecuted and suffering believers endure for Christ’s sake.

Teaching Notes:

Doing The Works Of God In 2010

John 9:4

Intro: This Thursday evening at midnight, we will pass from 2009 to 2010. Every year at this time I find myself thinking soberly of the passing of time. How much of your hourglass has been poured out? How many sands still remain? How many opportunities do you still have to do the works of God?

Consider briefly, the preciousness of time (taken from a sermon by Jonathan Edwards entitled The Preciousness Of Time). 1) A happy or miserable eternity depends on what we do with it – when we die our state is fixed and unalterable; our rewards in heaven depend on what use we make of it. 2) It is very short – scarcity of any commodity causes its value to increase, such as gold or diamonds. 3) We are uncertain of its continuance. 4) When it is past, we can never get it back. We can’t store it for the future like money. Lost time is never found. If people wasted their money like they waste their time, we would think they were crazy. Yet time is 1,000 times more precious than money!

I would like to spend our time this morning meditating on a statement of Jesus Christ in John 9:4 “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.”


1. Day… Night: What did He mean by these terms? Jesus explains what He means by “as long as it is day” by saying “while I am in the world” in verse 5. So, the Day refers to Jesus’ life in this world, where Night refers to His coming death. The only time Jesus and we can work the works of God is during this lifetime! At death it is too late. All opportunity for doing good in this poor sinful world is lost forever.

2. We: Jesus’ statement here does not only apply to Him. He includes us in this “we”. We, too, must work God’s works while it is still day.

3. Must: Let that word grab you. Jesus didn’t say “should” or “can”. Jesus felt this was essential and vital. Jesus didn’t treat time in a cavalier manner (Oh well, whatever happens happens). No, He believed that there were works of His Father that He must do!

4. Works of Him: What did Jesus believe He MUST do? God’s works – the works God gave Him to do. He knew this even at the age of 12. He said, “Didn’t you know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Lu.2:49). We must each ask ourselves, “What are the works God wants me to perform?” I must not concentrate on doing the works that I want to do, but the works that God wants me to do! What has God called me to do with my life?

5. Work: Notice that Jesus didn’t say we must think about doing God’s works, or talk about doing God’s works, or read about doing God’s works, or pray about doing God’s works. He said “we must WORK the works of God.” Just Do It! I hope that 2010 will be the year we DO the works of God!

6. Night is coming when no man can work! Let those words ring in your ears! This is why we must do God’s works now. “Only 1 life, will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last!” Life is so short, and we have so much to crowd into it, we can’t spare to waste a moment of it. If you knew you were to do today, would you have regrets as to how you spent your life? “Life is too short for us to do everything we want to do; but it is long enough for us to do everything God wants us to do.” Eccl. 9:10 “Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.”

Application: Well then, if time is short, and I must do God’s works while I am in this world, how do I know what they are? Let’s make it very simple. Mt.22:37-40. Love God and people.

1. How do You Love God? Jn.14:15. Keep His commandments. Invest your time and energy into obeying Christ’s commandments. Seek to live a life of righteousness, holiness and purity. Worship Him. Pray. Search His Word.


2. How do you love People? It depends on who the people are. If that person is lost and headed for hell, you love them by doing everything in your power to bring them to Christ. Pray for them, talk to them, show them acts of kindness to them, meet their needs.

If the person is a believer, you love them by serving them. And, you serve them, by employing your spiritual gift on their behalf (1Pet.4:10). What has God gifted you to do? Serve, show mercy, give, lead, teach, exhort, prophesy. Mary may bake something. Tara may go help someone do something they can’t do on their own. Debbie may go and pray for and encourage another sister in the Lord. Judy may spend time discipling one of the younger women. Paul may call and pray with someone. Mike and Dana may witness to a lost person. Kenny may call and tell someone that he loves them. I may spend my time studying so I can teach the Word.

At the same time, we should all be open to a ministry the Lord may call us into. Might be hanging out with young kids at the park, or spending time at a coffeehouse to reach people for Christ, or volunteering your time at a jail or juvenile hall or prison or crisis pregnancy center.

In other words, let’s live for something greater than ourselves! Let’s live for Christ. Let’s do the works of God while we still have time!



© Stone Bridge Ministries


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