Monthly Archives:: November 2018

Ask, And It Will Be Given To You

| by | Scripture: Matthew 7:7-11 | Series:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”


Rejoicing In Tribulations

| by | Scripture: Romans 5:3-5 | Series:

God’s will is that believers rejoice in their tribulations! But, why in the world, would a believer do that? It’s because he knows that God is using these tribulations to produce perseverance, proven character, and ultimately grant him hope of everlasting glory by granting assurance of saving faith.


Rejoicing In The God Of Amazing Love!

| by | Scripture: Romans 5:6-11 | Series:

The apostle Paul brings out the amazing love of God, by showing us how deep the Lord had to dive to reach us, and how high he is going to take us. If you lack assurance and a sense of security, read and meditate long and hard on Romans 5:6-11.


Christ Our Representative

| by | Scripture: Romans 5:12-21 | Series:

Romans 5:12-21 is the clearest and most comprehensive passage in the Bible on how Adam’s original sin has affected the human race, and how Christ’s perfect life affects those who trust in Him. Both stand as Representatives of those that are united to them. Oh, how vital it is that we gain a vital union with Christ!