Monthly Archives:: July 2016

The Institution of the Lord’s Supper

| by | Scripture: Luke 22:7-23 | Series:

When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He gave us three great truths.  1) The Lord’s Supper replaces the Passover meal.  2) The Lord’s Supper Recalls His Vicarious Sacrifice.  3) The Lord’s Supper Represents the New Covenant. The next time you observe the Lord’s Supper, feast on these great truths!


Who Does God Regard As The Greatest?

| by | Scripture: Luke 22:24-30 | Series:

How is true greatness measured?  The world has one standard for measuring greatness, but God has an entirely different one! The way up in His kingdom, is the way down.


“But I Have Prayed For You”

| by | Scripture: Luke 22:31-38 | Series:

Do you realize how much you owe to the intercession of Jesus Christ on your behalf? In this message we discover how crucial it is that we have a great High Priest who intercedes for us at the right hand of God. Hallelujah! What a Savior!


The Horrors of Drinking The Cup

| by | Scripture: Luke 22:39-46 | Series:

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus shrank back in horror from drinking the cup, and asked His Father to remove it from Him. What was in that cup that He had to drink? Here we tread on ground that no mortal man can fully fathom, but we do our best to understand what our salvation cost our Savior.