Monthly Archives:: March 2015

The Church Comes Home

| by | Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:19; 14:26 | Series:

The Bridge is going to begin meeting in homes! Does this mean we are some kind of crazy cult? Actually, the Bible has a lot to say about churches that meet in homes. Listen in to see the good, the bad, and the ugly about house churches.


What Should The Church Be Devoted to?

| by | Scripture: Acts 2:41-47 | Series:

While many churches are devoted to using entertainment to bring in new people, God’s prescription is very different. In Acts 2:42 we are told what the early church devoted itself to – Bible teaching, Fellowship, the Lord’s Supper, and Prayer. I believe we should emulate their example in order to have healthy churches today.


The Goals of Every Member Ministry

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 4:7-16 | Series:

The Scriptures call the church to Every Member Ministry. If all believers will be faithful to minister to one another we can expect the result to be growth in Maturity, Unity, and Discernment in the local church.


The Mission of the Church

| by | Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 | Series:

What is the mission of the church? In addition to exalting God and edifying one another, the church is to evangelize the world. We do that through proclaiming the gospel, making disciples, and planting churches.