Monthly Archives:: November 2014

The Danger Of Knowing But Not Obeying The Gospel

| by | Scripture: Luke 10:1-16 | Series:

Greater Knowledge Without Obedience Brings Greater Judgment!


3 Kinds Of Spiritual Joy

| by | Scripture: Luke 10:17-24 | Series:

In this passage we see three kinds of joy: joy in success, joy in salvation, and joy in sovereignty. Learn to take your joy deeper, into the very person and attributes of God Himself, especially His sovereignty in salvation.


What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?

| by | Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 | Series:

Often the Parable of the Good Samaritan is understood to teach how we should love our neighbor. However, seen in its context, it is actually teaching how we can’t love our neighbor, and are thus condemned as transgressors who need mercy and grace from God.


The One Necessary Thing

| by | Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 | Series:

The one necessary thing in every Christian’s life is his communion with Jesus Christ. Make it your #1 priority!