Monthly Archives:: February 2010

Children of Light

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 5:7-14 | Series:

God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. Because we are born of Him, we are children of light. What is our responsibility in this dark world? How are we to conduct ourselves among an evil generation? Find out in this message.


Sharing In The Sufferings Of Christ

| by | Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-19 | Series:

The believers Peter was writing to were facing suffering and persecution. In just a few short years both Peter and Paul would die for Christ under the reign of Nero. Peter writes to encourage suffering believers to be faithful to Christ in the midst of sufferings, and gives a wonderful promise of where they would the strength to endure them.


The Spirit-Filled Life – Pt. 1

| by | Scripture: Ephesians 5:18 | Series:

Ephesians 5:18 is perhaps the most important verse in the 2nd half of Ephesians, for it reveals how we are to obey all the other commands and exhortations found there. If Ephesians 4-6 are a race course, and you are the driver, Eph.5:18 is the fuel. In this message we examine what the Bible teaches about drunkenness, and about how we can obey the command to be filled with the Spirit.