Monthly Archives:: January 2017

The Eternal Resolution; Every Day Is New Years

| by | Scripture: Philippians 3:4-14 | Series:

It is that time of year again, what time, time to make New Year’s resolutions, time to start the year afresh. If you are making resolution for the new year or setting goals in general, there is one thing that should be at the top of your list every year: To know Him, Christ Jesus.


Christ – Our Redeemer!

| by | Scripture: Exodus 1:6-14; 2:23-25 | Series:

The Old Testament is a picture book to help us learn about God and His redemptive plan. In the opening chapters of the book of Exodus, we learn of our bondage to sin and Satan, and God’s mighty plan to save us through Christ our Redeemer!


Christ – The Great I Am

| by | Scripture: Exodus 3:13-15 | Series:

God reveals His sacred Name in Exodus 3:14, which gives us insight into His nature and attributes. Because He is “I Am”, He is there, He is eternal, He is omnipotent, and He is immutable. Not only does the Name “I Am” apply to God the Father, but also to Jesus Christ!


Christ – Our Passover

| by | Scripture: Exodus 12: 1-15 | Series:

The Old Testament Passover was merely a faint picture of the glorious reality that Christ has shed His blood for us so that God would “pass over” us in judgment and bestow His sovereign mercy upon us!


Christ – The Pillar of Cloud and Fire

| by | Scripture: Exodus 13:21-22 | Series:

Just as God led the children of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land by a pillar of cloud and fire, so too Jesus Christ leads us to heaven by His Word and Spirit!